Child Safety

All schools have a moral responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of students. At Ivanhoe Grammar School we take this responsibility very seriously.

We ensure our practices and policies reflect the relevant legislative requirements, including those set out in the Child Safe Standards. We are committed to a school culture where protecting children forms a part of our everyday thinking and activity.  The following policies and procedures help us achieve this.

Policies and procedures

Student Safety Policy

This policy outlines the framework within which the School will promote and protect student wellbeing, and under which we will create and maintain a child safe school environment.

Student Safety Concerns Management Procedure

This document sets out how a concern about student wellbeing may be raised with the School, and how such concerns will be managed.

Student Safety Code of Conduct

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to establish clear expectations for appropriate and professional behaviour by staff at Ivanhoe Grammar School.

Staff behaviour will support the School’s objective of developing the attributes of an Ivanhoe Learner.

It will also reflect that building this potential is best achieved in an inclusive, respectful, courteous, safe environment free from bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, victimisation and child abuse.

Reportable Conduct Policy

This policy outlines how the School will respond to reportable conduct allegations for the purpose of Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools and School Boarding Premises, and the CWS Act.

Student Protection Responsibilities

This document sets out how responsibility is allocated across the School for meeting the School’s commitment to student safety.

Mandatory Reporting Policy

This document tells us who is a mandatory reporter, when a mandatory report is required and how to make a mandatory report.

National Redress Scheme

As part of our commitment to provide a safe environment for all, Ivanhoe Grammar School elected to join the National Redress Scheme. The National Redress Scheme provides redress for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse. It was created by the Federal Governments in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The National Redress Scheme was established in July 2018 to acknowledge and recognise the abuse, and to provide an independent means for people to access the support they require to help them move forward.

Ivanhoe Grammar School has a zero tolerance for any behaviour that puts anyone in our School community at risk, including, but not limited to, bullying, sexual harassment or assault.

We are very supportive of the scheme and all it seeks to achieve to acknowledge, assist and care for anyone impacted by sexual abuse in any Australian institution.

For more information, please visit the National Redress Scheme website or call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377. If you would like to contact Ivanhoe Grammar School directly, please do so by emailing the Principal directly at