Thursday 10 September 2015

Year 6 Entrepreneurs

As part of the Year 6 Integrated Unit, Responsible Entrepreneurs, the students designed and planned their own little enterprise, which involved creatively thinking of a business idea. Once the students decided on their business and whether it was a goods or service based business, a business plan was written. Areas that the students studied were market research, sourcing of materials, profit and loss and then reviewed what aspects might have been changed with the benefit of hindsight.
,, The day was an incredible success, with a range of stalls set up by the students, from Lucky Dips, friendships bracelets, basketball shoot outs and a photo booth.
,, The students raised a total of $2,000 which will be donated to a local charity Hotham Mission Homework Club. The Homework Club is an afterschool homework program supporting upper Primary aged students from the North Melbourne and Kensington communities to complete homework and improve their literacy and numeracy skills. Hotham Mission volunteer tutors support Primary students in Year 4, 5 or 6 to improve their literacy and numeracy skills and help with any homework students’ bring to the program. Tutors also develop students’ interest in education, and through building relationships with them, provide positive role models that deepen their engagement in learning.
