Wednesday 13 May 2015

Virtual Programming Session

Technology has become a part of our everyday lives and is ever present in almost all professions. As a result, it is important for students to learn the basics of how computers work, how to create software, apps or websites.

On Monday 11 May, Maths students at Plenty Campus took part in a virtual programming/coding session that was hosted by Microsoft Australia. The #WeSpeakCode activities in schools aimed to encourage young people to be inspired and to learn code.

What is code?


  • In communications and information processing, code is a system of rules to convert information—such as a letter, word, sound, image, or gesture—into another form or representation for communication through a channel or storage in a medium.
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  • The process of coding converts information from a source into symbols for communication or storage.
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  • In information theory and computer science, a code is usually considered as an algorithm which uniquely represents symbols from some source alphabet, by encoded strings, which may be in some other target alphabet.
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Why learn to code?


  • Coding develops logical problem-solving, creativity and critical thinking skills which 21st century skills employers’ value in any job sector.
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  • Student career opportunities within computer science, software development and engineering fields where job shortages currently exist.
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  • As the world depends on technology more and more, it’s important young people have a strong understanding of how technology works in order to reach their full potential.
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To find out more about coding click here
