Monday 10 February 2020

Primary Playground

The Plenty Campus primary playground is looking fantastic after a revamp made possible by the generous efforts of our school community.

We would like to thank the Plenty Campus parent community for their support of numerous activities throughout 2019, such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, Easter raffle, Twilight Picnic, Community Breakfasts, Spring Lunch, Carols and many more.

These fundraising activities rely on your generosity and have enabled the Friends of Plenty Campus (FOPC) and Friends of Plenty Primary School (FOPPS) to raise significant funds. We have directed these funds towards the purchase of new primary playground equipment, a project funded almost entirely by FOPC and FOPPS. In addition, Friends of Plenty Campus also co-funded an upgrade of the Ceramic Kiln and Arts Courtyard, which will benefit all students from Foundation-VCE in the years ahead. The School is extremely grateful to our parent community for their ongoing support of Plenty Campus.

This project is of even more significance as the playground has opened in the 30th year of Plenty Campus. What a way to start our celebrations. No doubt there will be plenty of memories made on this playground to celebrate over the next 30 years!