Monday 29 April 2024

Cadet Camp

The Ivanhoe Grammar School Army Cadet Unit conducted its Annual Camp from Saturday 23 March to Thursday 28 March at two locations in the Yackandandah State Forest. The two sites are traditionally named after the Battle of Coral-Balmoral with the Advanced Training Platoons and attachments from Training and Assessment, Signals, Medics, and QStore located at the site of Coral undergoing a series of training exercises that included reconnaissance, navigation, search, and rescue, first aid and a wonderfully constructed outdoor puzzle/escape room that was put together by year 12 student Dante. These activities culminated in the inaugural Advance Platoons Trophy that went to Plenty Advance Platoon 1.

The platoons of Fraser and Buckley companies along with their attachments from Training and Assessment, Field engineering, Signals, Medics, and QStore, were based at the Balmoral site. At this site, the Cadets from recruit platoons engaged in practical and physical activities that tested the first-year cadet’s knowledge and skills that they developed during the weekly Tuesday parade afternoons. This was also an opportunity for Year 10 and 11 non-commissioned officers, the Corporals (AAC) and Sergeants (AAC), mentored by the Year 12 Cadet Under Officers (CUO), to demonstrate their leadership, responsibility, and empathy for those cadets under their care in the platoons they were charged with. Activities included team exercises and bonding, Navigation, living in the field activities, Ratel, first aid, observation with cam and conceal, and the infamous Master Chef.

The camp is the pinnacle in planning, training, and experience for the 500 cadets in attendance. For the Year 12’s, it is not only their final camping experience with the IGSACU as cadets, it is also their opportunity to make a lasting impression on their peers and to continue the traditions and development of Ivanhoe Grammar School.