Wednesday 01 April 2015

Annual Cadet Camp

The Annual Cadet Camp is an integral part of the Cadet year and involves all Cadets from both campuses in a week-long experience in the State forest near Chiltern.

The camp is eagerly anticipated by all Cadets, as it provides a wonderful opportunity to spend a number of days in the field practicing their skills and developing leadership qualities.

Students enjoyed a range of activities, including bushcraft and living in the field, camouflage and concealment exercises and a confidence course as well as day and night orienteering exercises.

The activities all ran smoothly and it is a credit to the cross campus senior cadet leadership team who have worked so well throughout the year, supported by staff.

All Year 10-12 students participating in the Cadet Camp are eligible to attain two Pillars of the Round Square IDEALS Award.

The Cadet Unit will participate in a Ceremonial Parade, to be held on Thursday 7 May which signifies the end of the Cadet year and is a highlight of the Cadet calendar. The School looks forward to the parade when the full breadth of the Cadet program is on display.

Students can join the Cadet unit in Year 9 where they learn a myriad of skills such as navigation, bush craft and leadership. To read more about cadets at Ivanhoe Grammar School click here
